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Playback in X-OUT!

Playback theatre is a form of applied theatre whereby learning can occur through story sharing. Interactive and spontaneous, playback theatre bases its material on the stories of the community. Regardless of whatever settings, Playback Theatre is able to draw people together and allows fresh perspectives.


Performances are carried out by a team of actors, emcee (called the conductor), and musician (optional). Performances often focuses on a special theme, and this case smoking. The Conductor would offer an opportunity for anybody from the audience to step up and share their story base on the theme, then watch as actors and musician create brief theatre pieces on the spot. Audience has the option to choose certain actors to play the main roles. The performers follow no narrative agenda, but bring their dramatic skills and their humanity to embodying on the stage the concerns and experiences of audience members.


Playback theatre is currently practiced in over 50 countries.

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